Friday, June 6, 2008

Pancake A.K.A. Griddle Cakes

1 and ¼ cup of Flour, spoon flour into measuring cups and level
1 Tablespoon Sugar
3 Teaspoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 Cup Milk
1 Egg
1 Tablespoon oil
1 Teaspoon vanilla

Mix and blend dry ingredients
Mix and blend wet ingredients
Shape a well in the dry ingredients and then pour wet ingredients into well, stirring until blended. Batter will be slightly lumpy (don't overbeat or your pancakes will be tough). Pour about a ¼ cup of batter (more batter will make bigger pancakes while less batter will obviously make smaller pancakes) onto non-stick surface and cook on medium heat until bubbly and steaming. Flip pancake and cook other side until brown.
To keep warm, store in oven or microwave until ready to serve.
Serve with your favorite syrup and butter.

This is super easy to increase in order to feed a large family, just double or triple the ingredients. This is the recipe that my mother used, increased 4 times in order to feed a growing family of 5 kids and 2 adults. For those that have money concerns, powdered milk works just as well. No matter how many restaurants I visit, these pancakes are as good or WAY better than most.

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